Key Dates


Work Content

February 22, 2023

The Department of Philosophy at Fu Jen University approved the preparation of this conference in a departmental meeting.

please provide your basic information (including your highest education level, affiliation and position, contact information, etc.), title of your paper, an abstract approximately 500 words in Chinese (or 300 words in English),

Deadline for responses to call for papers/invitations

April 28, 2023

Deadline for applying for funding from the Catholic Academic Research Institute

May 1, 2023

Review of paper outlines/Notification of paper acceptance

April 8, 2024

Completion and public release of the conference website

April 10, 2024

Online registration opens (until June 1, 2024)

May 1, 2024

Printing of related promotional posters and sending of emails to various units

May 10, 2024

Deadline for submission of initial drafts of papers

June 2, 2024

Conference affairs work: List of participants and conference sessions

June 3, 2024

Testing of online full text and paper collection

June 1-5, 2024

Online connection test for presenting scholars

June 5, 2024

Final confirmation of venue arrangement and related work

Department of Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University

Department Office : 510 Zhongzheng Road, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 242062 (Room 308, Wenhua Building)
Contact Phone: (02)29052327